In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Metamorphosis is a term used to describe 'change'. For instance, a caterpillar becomes a coccoon and subsequently change or metamorphosize into a lovely butterfly.

Unfortunately, not all change are for the better. When I first joined this hospital about 3 years ago, a certain consultant just came back from his further training in UK. Before he left for UK, he was an easy-to-approach person. When he came back a couple of months later, I guess he also learnt the stiff-upper-lip attitude which typifies the Brits. He is now a consultant. He is no longer the jovial, easy person that he was. He metamorphosized. And, in our opinion, he changed for the worse.

No one is immune to change I suppose. Right after our specialist exams, we all changed one way or another. I have changed. I no longer do the work of a medical officer. I now carry different and more responsibilities. I now have medical officers who work under me. One nurse in the emergency department claimed that I have become "sombong" (arrogant), which I felt was untrue. Others will testify to it. 50 other nurses said I am still the same. So I guess it's not statistically significant (p>0.05).

But some of us undergo accelerated metamorphosis! I have seen one medical officer who used to wear drab colored clothings and shoes that would have made Steven Chow proud (kungfu hustler shoes!) suddenly taking to wearing dresses (with slits mind you) and high heels almost immediately after she passed! And she had this new attitude to boot! The attitude says "I am now the boss, you kow tow to me, you vermins!!!"

Well one of us definitely went on an accelerated metamorphosis right after passing. She now orders people around, demands this or that, walks a few feet taller, and generally makes everyone's life miserable. We call this the Consultoid Syndrome (meaning: one who behaves like a consultant when he/she is not anywhere near being one; an imposter of the most malignant kind). And today I was stabbed by one who was afflicted with this syndrome. That's really sad, for her I mean.

I sincerely believe that if one does not forget his/her roots, the change will not be so drastic. I always try to remind myself that my 'success' did not come easy. My success was not my own. It was, first and foremost, by the grace of the Almighty God. It was also by the many sacrifices my fellow junior colleagues had to make for me in order for me to have time to study (they willingly took on some of my work...thank you guys!!). It was through the prayers of family and friends. It was through the support of many many people.

I also remind myself of the time I was a mere house officer slogging away miserably in the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital (my senior then dubbed it the "hell hole of Malaysia"; a dubious distinction which I feel still holds true). I remind myself of the sacrifices my parents have to make to put me through medical school. I remind myself of the years of hard work and the burning of midnight oil; the lost opportunities to see my children grow up (and they did grow so quickly!!!), the hardship my family had to go through....

And when I remember all these, I am deeply humbled. And I am thankful, to God, to my family, to everyone who have ever contributed even a little bit to my 'success'. And when you remember these things, changing for the worse is unthinkable.


I have put off writing about this matter for a long time; but today my mood is foul. I am upset. I just want to vent my anger by writing.

For the past one month, I have been assigned as a lecturer (specialist) in the Rheumatology ward. Honestly speaking, rheumato isn't really my cup of tea, but work is work and I am more than happy to do my duties. Ward work was fine and I like to believe I got along well with the resident specialist in charge. Even the medical officer assigned there was easy to work with.

There is a reason why I was transferred rather abruptly from the general medical ward, where I was in charge, to rheumatology. The other specialist who was in the ward at the time "suddenly" felt that she could not cope with her thesis work while doing rheumatology. Her reason was that she had no time to draw blood from a certain clinic once a week because of her commitments in rheumatology. It's all hogwash! Because, in rheumato, I had all the free time in the world. In fact, I managed to do the most literature research for my thesis whilst I was in rheumato than back when I was in the general medical ward! I shall not mention the real reason why she asked to be assigned elsewhere. Suffice to say there were some personality conflicts.

The only horrible thing about rheumatology was its clinic which starts at 2 pm on every Thursday and ends anytime between 6.30 pm to 9 pm, depending on how many patients were there! My thesis work (cardio related) makes it mandatory that I run the cardiac clinic which unfortunately, also falls on Thursdays. It runs from 8 am till anytime between 3pm to 5pm! Unfortunately since I am a lecturer in rheumato this month, I have to run that clinic as well.

You can understand why I dread Thursdays. Not only do I have to run the cardiac clinic, I have to go over to the rheumato clinic right after that! At the end of the day, I would be physically and mentally tired, not to mention hungry and usually have a sore throat from too many consultations with too many patients. But I soldiered on, because it's my responsibility. Because of my cardiac clinic, it was impossible for me to be on time for the rheumato clinic. I don't have a clone to run the other clinic.

And what did I hear today? That woman complained to another cardiologist that I "never went for the rheumato clinic"!!!! This hospital is a small place. Whatever goes out comes around. To say that I am shocked, upset and angry would be an understatement. I am totally pi**sed!!!!

Actually the emotion I feel most at the moment is that of hurt. I cannot imagine that she, my colleague for so many years, can say this about me. What did she hope to gain from all this? She has been my classmate in medical school, we were together as fellow medical officers, we passed the specialist exam together and now this. I am speechless! Another stab from another "friend".

I feel better now after writing all this. You want to see her picture? It's in my blog, in November 2005, one of the pics there is hers. You will see her but you won't see her face (it's a broad hint).
Which brings me to the topic of metamorphosis....which I will write about later.

I want to nurse my wound. I will choose to forgive. I just want to forget the whole issue now.

Monday, February 27, 2006


I popped over to the MPH warehouse sale last Friday. I bought a few things, namely puzzles and kiddy toys. I also managed to get my hands on this book by Tony Parsons. It was on 30% discount and I bought it for RM26 or so (will claim from income tax!).

Actually I have no idea what this book is all about. I heard it's already being made into a movie. I first saw it in the hands of a cancer-stricken patient 2 years ago. She said the book touched her deeply and brought tears to her eyes.

Now, I am not saying I like to cry over a book, but if this book can bring tears to a patient in despair, there must be something worth reading inside. So, over the next few weeks or months (depending on hom wmany toilet breaks I get), I shall read this book. Am already at page 20 or so. Only one foul word so far, that's a good sign; and no sweaty and heaving sex scenes (another good sign)! He he!

I can already imagine myself lying on a beach chair in the quiet beauty of the Redang Island beach' sipping my pinacalada and reading this book while working on my tan. Ah, heaven!!!


This year the MEMS (Malaysian Endcrine & Metabolic Society..or something like that) will be held on the beautiful island off the coast of Kuala Terengganu named Pulau Redang (Redang Island).

The last time I was in Redang was 3 years ago when I went for a "cardiology update" weekend. It was sponsored by a major pharmaceutical company.

Honestly, the 'update' was merely 3 hours long. The rest of the time was spent loitering around the resort (Berjaya Resort) and going snorkeling. I shall never forget the experience while snorkeling. One moment, as I waded into the deep blue sea from the beach, all I could see was clouded water and more clouded water, and then suddenly, the breath taking sight of thousands of fishes and corals appeared right before my eyes almost magically! It was AWESOME!!!

What I saw there left me amazed at the beauty that God created under the sea (including a giant Garupa fish almost as big as I am, which had a staring match with me; happy to say I won, and it swam away peacefully). And it made me long to go back there again.

What about the MEMS? You ask me. Well, what about it? Heh heh! I am definitely looking forward to going to Redang again next month. My trip will be sponsored by Astra Zeneca (thank you, thank you, thank you x a million times!).

The MEMS program is usually jam packed and there won't be much time to actually go anywhere or do anything; but I guess a little sun and a little fun in the sea won't take up too much time.

I wonder if that Garupa is still there...

Thursday, February 23, 2006


The cardiac clinic is over! I am quite happy with my "harvest". 23 patients raising my total now to 215! Yeah! The 200th mark was crossed some time midmorning. No one really poured out their sexual woes to me today (thank God!) but the last patient (exhibit no 215) nearly drove me to contemplate homicide.

Mr Apathy* (*name have been disguised to protect the identity of the real pest) walked into my room and I could immediately smell the foul stale breath of about 20 cigarettes emitting from his nicotine darkened teeth. He recently had a myocardial infarction (a heart attack) last month and had to undergo an emergency angiogram which revealed that all 4 of his coronaries were like Indah Water pipes (ie..blocked). They managed to balloon up one of them and left the others for later.

Mr Apathy sat next to my table and as he slowly poisoned my pink virginal lungs with second hand smoke emitting from his oral cavity, he revealed that he did not come for his last appointment, he did not go for the blood tests, and he did not go for the myoview test (which would reveal how many more of his nicotine-laden coronaries can be salvaged). It dawned on me (one of those Isaac Newton moments, you know, when he discovered the laws of gravity) that this man simply doesn't care even if he just expires in front of me!

Initially I was a little upset, not because my airspace was being polluted even as he breathed, but at the apathy that was so evident in him. However, later, I realised that there was a reason for his attitude; He simply did not understand what the previous cardiologist who saw him said to him! He was illiterate. And this fact was not reflected in the cardiologist's notes. Reading that specialist's jottings gave me the impression that everything was properly explained to the patient. Sigh!

Now, waves of compassion flowed over me as I expended precious saliva in explaining the whole load to him again. After spewing half a gallon of saliva, I could make out a flicker of light in his eyes as he slowly comprehended the whole affair. And then came the climax...or rather, the anti-climax. Despite all my effort, he really really didn't care about his condition! Arrgh!!

Oh well, I decided then to just let things be. I can't force him to do what he obviously does not think is important. Still we parted in good terms. I wished him well. I hope he will be well. I really really hope so.

Yup! Another cardio clinic today and that means I can get more patients for my thesis. I should be able to cross the 200 mark today. Oh God, let me have at least 20-25 patients! I think I will probably slow down once I touch 300 patients.

The cardio clinic is long, running from 8.30 am till anytime between 4-5 pm! It's a surprise that so far none of the cardiac patients have keeled over and expire while waiting 4-5 hours in the subzero temperature of the clinic. I am all fortified to tackle the clinic...with a big plate of fried mee hoon+mee (tasted the same anyhow) and a good cup of coffee (actually half a cup as I spilled half of it).

What I am not fortified to do is the Rheumato clinic which starts at 2 pm. I usually join this clinic as soon as I finish with the cardio clinic. The Rheumato clinic runs till about 8-9 pm! Ugh! It's a terrible clinic to run as most of the patients suffer pain, pain, just about every joint! It's terribly depressing when one patient after another walk/limp/crawl/wheeled into your clinic and all they complain of is pain!! One of my friend coined the term LJT Syndrome which means Lung Jung Tia Syndrome (those who know Hokkien will know...basically it means pain everywhere syndrome!)

Oh God, give me strength for the day and compassion for the patients, and a bit of in between time to run off and get a snack or a drink or visit the loo. Amen

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Clinic was over by 12.30 pm just now. Had to rush and grab a quick lunch and then rush to the department for a briefing on Avian Flu. Apparently my hospital has been designated (again) as a centre of referral for any possible Avian Flu outbreak. Now that there has been a genocide of some chickens in Gombak, everyone is getting a bit jittery. H5N1 is here!!!!!!

Which reminded me of the SARS outbreak a couple of years ago. I was a medical officer in Seremban Hospital at the time and we were so darn short of staff (actually, we are always short of staff!). So, we had to do 1 week on call each during the outbreak. Basically, if there were any patients admitted into the quarantine ward during the call, we will have to attend to the patient. Truth be told, there weren't all that many patients and each of us prayed fervently that there would be no patients during our calls.

My prayers failed me at one point (I think God wanted to teach me something, I guess) and lo and behold, a Punjabi man decided to take a train trip to Singapore, just like that! Apparently he had an eye appointment at the Tan Tock Sing Hospital there (we later found out that his appointment was postponed to another date, which he knew and forgot!). As if our eye doctors here are not good enough for him. He went despite knowing that there was an advisory against travel to the republic.

Anyway, he was already running a temperature when he stepped onto the train to Singapore (at the time, there were SARS cases in Singapore); in fact he was refused entry at the custom check and he returned on the next train. Unfortunately, for me, he came back even more feverish and promptly came to the hospital, and since he fulfilled the criteria...well, technically he was in Singapore, even though it was just at the customs office, he was admitted.

That's when my woes started. In order to see him, I had to shower (in the royal ward, no less; since the royal ward was converted into the SARS ward) before seeing him. I had to wear this space suit thing complete with long gloves and head visor. It felt like a personal sauna and I was sweating like a creature of porcine descend (politically correct statement). I had to take his history, examine him, take all the bloods, discard the space suit, shower again before going out of the ward.

Taking history from the patient was an extended course in patience and fortitude. He couldn't remember much and he got all his dates wrong. I don't blame him, he was as old as my grandma.

And I had to see him 3 times a day! Imagine how many times I had to shower (and use the royal potty) just to see him. He stayed in the ward for 8 days! S0 I had 24 showers in 8 days on top of my normal showers at home. Sigh! At the end of the ordeal, I felt like I had a extreme makeover. All the cells on my body were new...the old has been dutifully showered away. I was fully and truly desquamated.

I just hope this nightmare isn't going to recur with the avian flu.

And no, he didn't have SARS.

Checked my bank account online just's still RM 1.24. Nope, the salary isn't in. AAAAARRRGH! I hope it rains this evening, I am running out of fresh water.

MIGRAINE! Ha! You thought I was going to write a sleazy romance novel huh? No la, I woke up with this huge headache. I just knew it will happen. The heavens did not pour out the usual evening shower back where I stay last night and I had to endure a very warm humid night (hot hot hot! Even inspite of showering endless times and sleepy buck naked).

There are many triggers for migraine and definitely a hot sleepless night was one of them. Will tell u more about this "thorn in my flesh" next time.

And now, it's like 5 minutes before the clinics start and I have this huge pain in my head. Took a Cerebrex and also an ergotamine pill (we doctors are super good at self-medication). The headache has ebbed somewhat. I wonder if I could put on an Oscar winning performance to secure a MC for the day...I doubt it. It's hard for a doctor to get an MC from another doctor. Sigh!

So, I will just have to bear it out and hope this headache don't transform into blurring of vision, vomiting, diarrhoea, fits and paralysis (it can happen, you know). Lord, may all my patients today in the SLE clinic be stable, short-winded and few. Amen.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Postprandial somnolence

Or in layman's term: "So darn sleepy after a heavy lunch!!!". Went to a lunch talk sponsored by a drug company (no, we are not drug dealers). It was on something about Alzheimer's disease. My mind was too hypo (low in sugar) to comprehend what the person in front was talking about! By the time she finished, I was all ready to stand up and give her a standing ovation nonetheless and tell her that she is through to the next round (See you in Hollywood!!!), ala American Idol style.

No-la, actually her presentation was pretty bad. Lunch consisted of very very colored and toxic looking nasi briyani (how would i describe it....oiled fragant rice??), stewed chicken (which I suspect were actually crows shot by the Klang municipal council), briyani gravy containing dubious looking pieces of ?what, some vegetables cooked way beyond normal time, killing both bacteria AND normal cells and the complimentary crackers all washed down with sour orange juice. Very very unhealthy; very very untasty, but what the heck, it's free. :-)

Why do I bother? Well, because I am broke and a free lunch is better than no lunch! My part time work is tomorrow, now, if only I can hold on till then..... I will now go into anaerobic metabolism until my part time work gets over tomorrow and I get paid!

And, traditionally, on Tuesdays we have to listen to a medical talk presented by any one of our junior colleagues on any "subject of interest'. Today's subject being "Nephrotic Syndrome secondary to Amyloidosis". Don't get me wrong, it was all good stuff and interesting (read, mildly) but it was hard to concentrate when you have loads of briyani juice coursing thru your very lifeblood! And he went on and on and on and on and on....even after the consultant hinted broadly that he ought to stop! Ugh! Some people are just so dense.

Well, it just ended. Not sure any of it entered my briyani fat laden brain but I feel so good, I can feel a slumber coming over me; I can feel my systems shutting down... one by one. zzzZZZZZZZZ....hmm, what's for tea, I wonder?

Forget about Brokeback, nowadays I am just plain broke. The chinese new year did me in. Massive Fund Hemorrhage then and so now I have to live on sunshine and fresh air. Luckily the bad weather brought along some fresh water as well. Sigh. If any of you think that being a doctor equates wealth, think again. Let see, my bank account has a grand total of RM1.24 now. Sad huh? I won't blame the bank if they want to terminate my account due to this paltry sum. Anyone want to start a charity to help poor physicians?

There is a reason for being broke... the darn financial department in my hospital hasn't paid my on call claims for the past 2 months AND they haven't paid my travel allowances as well. Curses! I practically depend on these to survive (plus a little from moonlighting some where). Where to complain ah? The STAR? SUN? MALAY MAIL? NST? KOSMO? UTUSAN, HARIAN? HARAKAH??? But it's amazing how a little money can be made to stretch when you are desperate.

I just hope, pray, wish, will it, anticipate, desire......please, please, PUHLEEEZ let the salary be out tomorrow. Sigh

Gotta go look for some one to leech on for lunch later....

Monday, February 20, 2006


And I managed to get another 9 patients. I was hoping for 16 but I guess 9 is pretty good considering that there weren't that many patients in the clinic today. At least it was quick, and none of the patients had any woes or long stories to tell me. So the tally now is 193. Another 807 to go! I am beginning to think that 1000 patients is a tad unrealistic.

Gonna hit the gym, then dinner with a friend.

As of today I have a total of 184 respondents for my thesis. It's a big jump from the last time I mentioned about my thesis. Still, it involved a lot of hard work and still way, way, WAYYYYY below my expected target of 1000 patients by June 2006.

I am running out of optimism. People who swore they would "help me get the patients" have all practically deserted me. So it's all going to be solo going from now on. I am just wondering why should I include their names in the thesis if it ever gets published?? And the nurse who is assigned to help me, she went AWOL for the past 2 clinics! And she is getting paid RM 1K per month for doing practically nothing! I should take her job. God knows I need the money.

Frankly, trying to get the patients for the thesis is tiring. Not only do I have to see them for their cardiac problems, I have to spend time explaining to them about the thesis and how and why they should contribute to it by answering 5 simple questions. After they have recovered from the mild to severe shock that someone actually care about their sex life, I have then the rather unplesant task of not only trying to get them to answer that darn 5 questions, and get them to put down their John Hancock in the consent form, most times I have to listen to their sex life woes as well. And the story can be loooooooong.... Actually I came to realise that perhaps I don't want to grow old after all, if my wee-wee is going to fail me half way through.

Well, not all the stories were woes. Evidently they are some patients who are so extremely proud of their sex life or rather sexual conquest, it pains the ears to listen to them. Sorry, much of them are either too confidential or extremely X-rated to be written down here. Sigh.

So one patient takes up anything from 15-20 minutes to maybe even 45 minutes. Last week, I spent 45 minutes listening to a guy who boasted he had sex with "chicks" from every single continent that he has been to. Ugh! And at the end of the 18-SX conversation, he asked for a prescription for VIAGRA. Go figure...

Sorry guys, I am just feeling a little bitter and dripping with murderous intent. Ok, now that the woes are off my chest, I can try to be a little more optimistic. There's another cardiac clinic due to start at 2 pm. Perhaps I can hit 200 today? Oh God, let me have 16 patients today!

Sunday, February 19, 2006


I was doing another one of my "spring cleaning" the other day which was way overdue and I chanced upon this drawing tucked away in between the pages of a photo album. Looking at it brought back a gush of memories. It was drawn by Chinu, my gym partner in medical school, as a parting gift when I finally left India. I appreciated it the first time he gave it to me. He said he wanted to draw something to help me remember India. I think he did a great job!

I just want to show you all the picture. Not exactly Picasso but priceless nonetheless. :-)

Saturday, February 18, 2006


For You have formed my inward parts;
You have woven me in my mother's womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.

Psalm 139: 13-14

Friday, February 17, 2006


In my opinion, this movie (which I saw a couple of years ago) is far better than Brokeback Mountain and deserves an Oscar. :-)


Here is an e-commentary which I received which, I think, articulates my thought better than I could possibly write myself.

GRACE@WORK Mail 7/06
[February 17th 2006 Edition]

eCOMMENTARY: Jim Croce on Valentine's Day

I received a copy of The Very Best of Jim Croce for
Valentine's Day. Croce was an American singer-songwriter who
died in an air crash in 1973 just as his career was taking

As I played the CD I was reminded of two of my basic
convictions: that everybody loves a love song, and that the
best love songs are sad ones. Here is evidence from Mr.

"If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save every day
Till eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you

If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I'd save every day like a treasure and then,
Again, I would spend them with you."
[Time in a Bottle]


"Photographs and memories
Christmas cards you sent to me
All that I have are these
To remember you

Memories that come at night
Take me to another time
Back to a happier day
When I called you mine."
[Photographs and memories]

Heard at the wrong time and in the wrong light, songs like
these tap into a deep vein of melancholy and unleash a
sadness so strong it is scary.

Maybe I am melancholic by nature. And yes I have had my
share of heartaches. But I am not convinced that these alone
can explain away my affinity for sad songs.
Or why so many of us have this love-hate relationship with
sad love songs.

Sometimes it seems that the whole world is singing the
blues. The blues seem to be the music form that is most
authentically human.
It seems all of us are pining for some love now lost, back
at some happier time.

This is my theory.
We all pine for a love now lost because once we all enjoyed
the perfect love of a perfect partner.
I believe that we all have a sad love song as the sound
track of our lives because our soul remembers a perfect love
that we have lost.

You know where this is leading.
This is a trail that leads back to Eden.
There we read of a God who created us so He could shower His
love on us.
Here is a love we can never fully experience this side of
A love perfect, received by those yet untainted by sin.
What was it like for Adam and Eve before the Fall?

This then is the tragedy of the human race, created for a
perfect love that we can no longer experience.
No wonder we sing the blues.
And end up looking for love in all the wrong places.
Even on Brokeback Mountain.

I know many readers of this column will be upset by this
movie for its portrayal of homosexual love and its agenda to
portray it as normal. Readers of this column will also know
that I stand convinced that Scripture clearly teaches that
homosexual sexual expression is wrong.
Yet the movie may serve to remind us that homosexual love is
another way we "look for love in all the wrong places."
And we all do that.

We will only and finally be satisfied when we return to God
our Maker and Saviour, for the love we crave, for the love
we need.
But those who do not know the way home or can't find it in
themselves to go home, will seek to be saved by all sorts of
other loves.
Croce again:

"Operator, oh could you help me place this call
'cause I can't read the number that you just gave me
There's something in my eyes
You know it happens every time
I think about the love that I thought would save me."

We all have had our flings with loves we thought could save
us. The list is long: people, sex, pleasure, careerism,
alcohol, drugs, altruism…
The writer of Ecclesiastes gives us quite a comprehensive
list and ends up singing the blues too because he finds out
that in the end, it is all meaningless.

But here is another song.

"O the deep deep love of Jesus
vast unmeasured, boundless, free!
Rolling as a mighty ocean
in its fullness over me,
underneath me, all around me
is the current of thy love -
leading onward, leading homeward,
to my glorious rest above."
(S Trevor Francis)

What if, what if the perfect partner with the perfect love
didn't give up? Sounds exactly like what a perfect lover
would do.

For all blues-singing, sad, lonely lovers out there, here is
the word:

"As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in
my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my
love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide
in his love. I have said these things to you so that my joy
may be in you, and that your joy may be complete. "This is
my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved
you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's
life for one's friends."
[John 15: 9-13 NRSV]

For those who hear, for those who dare to believe - and I
know it is so hard to believe sometimes - here is the love
we miss, and yearn for, and need.

It is hard to believe that we don't have to sing the blues.
It is hard to believe that we can be singing songs of joy.
Some of us actually pride ourselves in being blues singers.
We rather sing the blues than go home to Love.

Your brother,
Soo-Inn Tan

Write me!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Yup, watched it; courtesy of a friend. Of course it's a bootlegged version! I think with a little bit of know how it's possible to get just about anything in Malaysia, despite the "ban".

As expected, the panaromic scenes were nothing less than breath taking (even on a 14 inch TV). Watching the scenery, I could almost imagine what's in John Denver's mind when he sang "Wild Montana Sky". Never mind that you have no idea which song I am alluding to.

And what about the show? I think the thespians in the movie did a great job portraying their characters. Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal acted very well in portraying gay cowboys, slowly drawn to each other in the solitude of Brokeback Mountain while herding sheep. Of course Heath Ledger just had to speak in a kind of drawl which I felt sometimes was a little irritating. Bad subtitle in the DVD made things worst! He might as well have spoken Sanskrit and I wouldn't have noticed or understood! I reckon it would have been tough for straight guys to play not-so-straight roles. But I think the one who takes the cake was the actress (I don't even know her name!) who played Ennis' wife, Alma, in the show. And the scene that most struck me was when Alma caught her husband smooching passionately with Jack! No words were uttered, but you can "feel" the shock, the disbelief, the hurt and anger all at once in the expression on Alma's face! I feel that she should have been nominated for an Oscar!

But what about the SHOW? Yeah, what about it? I don't know really. The tagline of the show was "Love is a force of Nature" (what ever that meant). To summarise (for the sake of people who don't have an inkling what the show is all about...and I realised there are such people), it's a cowboy movie set in the early 1960s somewhere between Wyoming and Texas where 2 ranch hands, Ennis and Jack, met while herding sheep in Brokeback Mountain. Somewhere along the line, they "fell in love". And yes, they DID IT, over and over again.

Their stint on the mountain ended, and they went on their separate ways. Ennis married Alma and had 2 girls. Jack married into a wealthy family and had a brat of a son. Four years down the road, Ennis and Jack met up again and they arranged for "fishing" trips to Brokeback 2 or 3 times a year just so they could relive those Brokeback days. In essence, they were caught in their now heterosexual relations while secretly burning in desire for each other. This was in the 60s mind you, where homosexuality was not so well tolerated.

The ending was tragic. I don't think I am spoiling the story by saying Jack died and left Ennis heart broken and full of regret. That is the gist of the story.

Much as I feel for the characters and the story, I could see, as far as the movie goes, that the relationship between Ennis and Jack was merely confined to the physical. They needed each other to satisfy their sexual needs (I hope non of my readers are below...well, 6 years old). So, I really couldn't see where all the "love is a force of nature" hype comes in. Is love just physical intimacy? I reckon not. I certainly hope not! And that is where, in my opinion, the movie failed. It failed to show that these men truly "loved" each other, beyond the obvious physical.

I know some of us would cringe at the idea. How can a man truly "love" another? I guess in Hollywood, sex equals love. Even in Titanic, there has to be a sex scene (remember them making out in the back seat of a convenient that a car has to be present on the doomed ship!). So, if you show sex, you have shown love.

I think Brokeback wouldn't have caused any ripples if the story was about a cowboy who fell in love witha cowgirl high up in the mountains and then they go back to their respective husband/wife! It's the gay relationship that is causing the ripples. It's a novelty. It's new. Three months down the road it will be forgotten. I am sure of it. It's like KFC's fish sandwich.

In the end, I came away feeling a little disappointed with the movie. I truly believe that a man can love another, truly and deeply. I also believe that sex does not equal love. But I also accept that in the fallen world we live in, that's probably how far "true love" goes, which is sad, really.

True love is when one loves another, to the point of being willing to die on his behalf, just so that the other can be liberated to live life fully, abundantly. True love is found in one Man, Jesus.

Monday, February 13, 2006


The answer to the pics I posted in my last entry was syphilis. Specifically, Secondary Syphilis, a disease probably as old as mother earth itself. Below is a nice way of remembering all the salient features of the disease.

There was a young man from Back Bay
Who thought syphilis just went away
He believed that a chancre
Was only a canker
That healed in a week and a day.

But now he has “acne vulgaris”—
(Or whatever they call it in Paris);
On his skin it has spread
From his feet to his head,
And his friends want to know where his hair is.

There's more to his terrible plight:
His pupils won't close in the light
His heart is cavorting,
His wife is aborting,
And he squints through his gunbarrel sight.

Arthralgia cuts into his slumber;
His aorta is in need of a plumber;
But now he has tabes,
And sabershinned babies,
While of gummas he has quite a number.

He's been treated in every known way,
But his spirochetes grow day by day;
He's developed paresis,
Has long talks with Jesus,
And thinks he's the Queen of the May.

Anonymous poem, 1920s

Friday, February 10, 2006


All young men. All have some kind of rashes....anyone wants to venture a guess?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Got your attention there didn’t I? No, I haven’t watched the highly publicized movie by Ang Lee. The movie has been making waves in the international film circuit. Everyone waits with bated breath whether the traditionally ultra-conservative judges in the Oscars would hand the gold plated naked guy to Ang Lee. Heath Ledger who played Ennis in the movie was reported to have said he was glad he worked on “Casanova” right after BM because it was “an emotionally heavy movie”.

Casanova will hit our shores soon but I doubt we in Malaysia will see Brokeback Mountain. I think the censors would deem it to be too scandalous for the Malaysian viewers. Whoever has the chance to watch it would probably have watched a bootlegged DVD bought from the black market. I heard it’s already available in Penang! Awww, I so wish to be a Penangite! Heh heh!!

Tony (refer to my ‘Hall of Fame’ entry) sent me a copy of BM by email. Some one took the trouble to type out the book in Word. I was surprised to see that the entire book filled up only 58 pages with double spacing between sentences! It took me all but 15 min to read the entire book. It’s hard to imagine how Ang Lee could stretch the book into a movie running more than a hour.

In the book, the story started slow but the pace picked up almost immediately. I tried to imagine in my mind what the movie would be like. With a flip of a page the years would have leapt by, say, anything between 5 to 20 years!!! I figure that what was in page 13, 14, and 15 would be enough to ban the book in Malaysia, forever!

I think everyone knows what the story is about. The media has written about it so often that even the most intellectually challenged amongst us would have an inkling of what it’s about. Throughout the story, there is a sad and dark undertone. The ending is sad. It tugs at your heart string.

I wonder how many of us would watch the movie if given the chance? I suppose quite a number would watch it simply out of curiosity. Others would be totally repulsed either before watching it, or, I suspect, even after watching it (or during???). I suppose, given the chance, I would watch it. Yes, I am curious but more so, I wanted to know how the man, who gave us Chow Yuen Fatt floating on bamboo shoots, has made the book out to be.

Some things in the book puzzled me. Perhaps the pace was too fast. Perhaps there wasn’t enough “characterization” (I bet Ang Lee would take some time to bring out the characters). For instance, I failed to understand if there were any feelings between the two main characters beyond the obvious physical ones. It started so suddenly (in the book anyway) and ended just as abruptly.

What did I think of the story? At the conclusion of the sad story, I suppose the two men did love/lusted for one another. Some of us would flip in horror at the thought that two men could actually love one another. I wouldn’t. I am not a homophobe. I believe it’s possible. I believe it’s real. It does not mean that I condone their acts. My beliefs say it’s a sin. It’s an “abomination to the Lord”. I do not condemn it either, at least not Jack and Ennis, anyway. I believe it’s a part of the fallen world that we live in.

I believe that a man can love another man deeply. When I was young in my faith, I found it difficult to accept that Jesus, a man, would love me (yes, another man) so deeply that he would sacrifice himself for me. I cringe at the thought that another man loves me. But that is the truth. Indeed, God loves me, so much, so deeply. It’s when I open my heart to the possibility that, yes, indeed, a man can love another man, even deeply; that I began to experience a release and a sense of freedom in my heart.

It is not my intention to preach. Feel free to disagree with me. It is not my intention to court controversy either. No need to fight me on this! Brokeback Mountain is an apt title. Yup, we are all broken people, yearning for love, for companionship, for some one who loves us as we are, who knows out darkest and ugliest secrets and still loves us; some of us find it in the embrace of another woman, others find it in the arms of another man, yet others prefer to shut everyone out, live in solitary misery.

My broken heart found true love in the arms of another Man, Jesus.
My Valentine’s Day Gift List

Now, if money grows on trees, these are what I would get my partner:

A day in a spa, complete with a massage, sauna, facial treatment, a pedicure and a manicure.

A slender chain made of white gold or platinum with a pendant fixed with a diamond (which does not need a microscope to see)

Matching pairs of earrings and a diamond ring

Shoes! A lovely pair of high heel shoes, bright red in color

Another similar pair in black

Any other pair her heart desires!!!

Lingerie!! Lovely silky ones in every shade of color

A new car! An Altos to replace her crampy and hot Kancil.

A new watch

A new ‘L’ shaped sofa

A dishwasher (u won’t understand but she would)

Nail polish in a riot of colors!

A gazebo for the garden

Perfume! (Any suggestions here? She has Pleasure, Intense and Beautiful)

A weekend in a resort with a sun soaked beach, sans the kids.

RM1 K for her to spend on anything she wants (it’s always been a dream of hers)

A new hand phone…..the Nokia 6111 comes to mind.


A nice Churidhar (no she is not Indian)

I can’t think of anything else now. No mention of chocolates and flowers. Too impractical (we are practical folks…no point selling the house to buy a bouquet of roses). Now, where did the money tree grow again?
My Valentine's Day dilemma

Valentine's day is just around the corner! Arrgh! Every year around this time, I break out in sweat! What to buy? What to buy????

I also hate the fact that Valentine's day comes almost immediately after the Chinese New Year (a.k.a Annual Financial Crisis). Now that all the make-merry is over and I am flat broke, it's time to be lovey-dovey! It's hard to be lovey-dovey when all the things you wish to buy your partner will plunge you into another financial crisis!

So guys/gals? Any suggestions for a romantic gift that doesn't cost a bomb???

Sometimes I wonder what non-believers would think of us, Christians who are overly zealous in promoting and propagating our belief? I have many friends who are non-believers, who came away feeling terribly insulted and angry after an encounter with a believer!

Don’t get me wrong, sharing our faith is a command from our LORD. I do not question that. But sometimes, I wonder if we, in our zealousness, also behaved like insurance agents and MLM people? We approach people with the motive of sharing our faith and “converting” them. So, what happens when they are not interested? Does the friendship stop there?

I have shared my belief with some of my friends. Not unexpectedly, some of them think I was probably possessed and talking in Sanskrit. And yes, some came away feeling upset, because I have touched on issues they felt strongly about. But, no, I have not lost a friend because of this. Heck, even Jesus didn’t get everyone to believe in Him! Mine is not the task to convert, mine is the task to share my belief. Whether ultimately he or she believes is between him and God. In the end, the friendship continues. Friends are worth it, even if they may not totally agree with you. :-)

MLM stands for Multilevel Marketing which was the topic of discussion this morning on the Mix Breakfast Show on MixFM radio. Shazmin (the radio DJ) was saying she is wary of people who are into MLM (she includes insurance agents too!) because they are only interested in selling whatever it is they are selling. To do that, they will spin a tale of being your friend, only being interested in your wellbeing, that their utmost noble motive is the overall prosperity of you! But…once you show no sign of being even remotely interested in what they are peddling, they are gone! Whoosh! Just like that! The friendship is no more, as well as the noble causes for which they have proclaimed earlier.

She was asking what the listeners thought about her view. Was she too cynical? What do YOU think? It was hilarious listening to this guy who called in and said that he is not like that (he is all for MLM you see!). He started by saying that his main motive is for the good of his friends; that it’s only right that he shares the good things he has discovered to others so that they may benefit too. Later on he contradicted him when he said that once the “friends” are not interested in what he has to say, then, quote” Ya-la, the friendship is over!”. Duh?!!! Did I missed something??

Personally I have encountered similar people. One of them was my childhood buddy who ‘suddenly’ kept in touch. It was a couple of years ago and they (he and his wife) came over to our place for dinner and were all “excited” over some MLM plan that they are in. They wanted us to join them. They promised “financial freedom” by the time I am 35! “Heck”, they said, “you can have a 365 day vacation all year round for as long as you live!”. So, what’s the catch? They wouldn’t tell. I was encouraged to go for a seminar where the speaker was an ex-doctor who found that being a doctor isn’t lucrative enough and he has found the “secret” to financial freedom! And he has to SHARE with everyone his new found secret.

Did I buy his pitch? NOPE! Mainly because he insulted my wife’s cooking! (that was a fatal flaw!) and also because, I simply do not subscribe to his principles in life. This is what I believe in:

1. That work is a God-given vocation. Man is meant to work, right from the beginning of creation. It is unthinkable that man should cease to work. Work makes a man active, you retire and stop working, you start to rot. That’s it. Work, is a calling.

2. Financial freedom is a myth. If the MLM plan is SO GOOD, how come I still see lots and lots of people OVER 35 still slogging away?

3. Being a doctor is a calling. Money has nothing to do with it. If that ex-doctor thought that being a doctor was not financially rewarding, then maybe, he heard his calling wrongly. Being a physician is seldom rewarding, financially anyway. Will talk about this more next time.

4. I firmly believe that a guest should never, ever, criticize the cooking of his host!!! Not in front of the host anyway.

So, I didn’t buy into his rhetoric. Needless to say, I no longer heard from him thereafter.

I had a similar experience with an insurance agent last year. He was my patient at the clinic and since he came from my hometown, he asked if we could be friends. And I said, sure, as long as he doesn’t talk about insurance with me. I made it clear that I am not interested in buying ANY insurance, not at the moment anyway. I said that if the subject of insurance ever comes up, that would be the end of the friendship.

It went okay for a while. Occasionally, he does mention insurance and I reminded him of the condition. Till December that is, when he was near his annual dateline and he was a bit short of his target. He came over to my place one night, and went into this irritating litany of insurance sales pitch. Something like “Please la…,.buy la…,help me out la…,buy a small policy la…and on and on”. That really cheesed me off. And I guess he felt it too when he saw me turn a crimson red. As far as I am concerned, the friendship ended there and then.

So, yes, MLM and insurance agents turn me off big time. Like what Shazmin said, it’s hard to make friends when you are an adult, because you become suspicious, what exactly are their motives for being so “friendly”?

I agree it’s hard to make new friends when you are an adult. People have hidden motives. I have been burnt a number of times. People who became friendly with me because I am a doctor, because I can write them MCs (medical chits) if needed, because I can be consulted for any ailments, because I am perceived to be rich ( I am not!), because I can help them with this or that.

Me? Despite being burned, I still would like to believe the best in people. It takes a lot of time and effort to invest in a good long lasting friendship. And sometimes, after all the effort thrown in, I might be disappointed; but, I would still try to pour what I have into a friendship.

Why? Because everyone can do with one more good, sincere friend, with no motive other than your ultimate wellbeing.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My personal masseur

I think there is nothing better than a good massage...especially after a particularly bad day at work or even a horrible night being on call. I usually go for a massage at Brickfields. The masseurs (males, I dont think I can stand being massaged by a lady!) are blind or visually impaired. They massage to earn a living. I think it's a decent way to earn a living.
I could feel my muscles being loosened as the massuer rubs away with some aromatic oil. The ambience is usually quiet, the air hung with a heavy smell of some aromatic oil, usually lavender; the conversation pleasant, soft music permeate the room, the lights dimmed. Ah, heaven!

But all these comes with a price. The blind massuers don't really charge much. RM35 for an hour plus usually. Other places are pricier. There's another place that charges RM50 for a 20 minute full body scrub (which is real nice) followed by a nice decent massage. I think lady masseurs charge more, another reason why I don't pick ladies. But even at RM35 a go, it can burn a nice hole in your pocket in no time. Massages can be very addictive! Heh heh!

Which is why I bought myself this nifty little gadget some time ago...just before my final exam in fact. Cost me about RM260. It comes with a "Longlife" paddings to be attached to the body. Actually if u read the instruction properly, it's not really "Longlife" as such..maybe like 500 times or so before it goes kaput. I have used it like 20 times so far.

It can do lots of stuff. The electrical current simulates a real massage...kneading, knocking, pulling...blah blah blah. Not bad for a small gadget. And it's quite effective too. At least it makes my shoulder aches go away...for a while. All in all I think it's a good investment.

But still, I miss the pleasant conversation....sigh. Nothing beats the human touch.

Monday, February 06, 2006


Ever had the experience when you listen to a song the first time and you are hooked? I recently bought a copy of IL DIVO's second album titled ANCORA. Four great looking guys singing songs with a touch of opera! The song that really got me hooked was "I believe in you", sung in collaboration with Celine Dion. Frankly I don't think any song sung with Celine Dion on board could go wrong.

When I close my eyes and listen to this song, I could feel my spirit being lifted and encouraged; that things aren't all that bad and there is really nothing that one cannot do! I have reprinted the lyrics below. I didn't bother to type the french part, mainly because it's too tedious and I don't understand a word of it! heh heh! If you have not heard this song, do try to get a listen to it. You will be refreshed, I guarantee it!

I believe in you

Lonely the path you have chosen
A restless road, no turning back
One day you will find your light again
Don’t you know
Don’t let go of the chance

Follow your heart
Let your love lead through the darkness
Back to a place you once knew
I believe, I believe, I believe in you
Follow your dreams
Be yourself an angel of kindness
There’s nothing that you cannot do
I believe, I believe, I believe in you

Someday I’ll find you
Someday you’ll find me too
And when I hold you close
I know that it’s true
After the rain

The rain came on the 4th day of Chinese New Year. It was indeed a refreshing shower and was most welcomed. CNY has always been hot as long as I could ever remember. It never rains on CNY (at least not in the places that I visits). At the end of the first day, I would usually have a throbbing headache. Being cramped in a car with many other sweaty people didn't help either. Things have changed now. I have a family of my own, a bigger car and better air conditioning! And we don't visit every single relative anymore! So the headache is gone. We even had time to shop around a bit and grab a starbucks (thats when i tried the Caramel Machiatto and resulted in the blog entry on James Bond!).

Took some pics of my garden after the rain. It's really pleasant to walk in the garden and smell the freshly fallen raindrops.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Dr Bond, James Bond MRCOG

Sometimes my mind goes into overdrive and I play "what if". It went like that two days ago. I blame the Starbucks coffee I drank (Caramel Machiatto...which was divine to drink but burnt a hole the size of Australia in my wallet!). I can't believe I paid so much for it, could have drunk at least 7 glasses of "KOPI AIS" from the local hawker stall. But I guess we pay to sip nice coffee in chic places. Heh heh! Small price to pay to see and be seen.

So....what if the famous spy, James Bond wasn't a spy? What if he was an obstetrician? Or a gynaecologist? I suppose some of his movies will have to be renamed then...

'On her majesty's secret service' would become 'On her majesty's secret cervix'!

'For your eyes only' would become 'For your thighs only'!

'Golden eyes' would become 'Golden thighs'!

'Die another day' would become 'Dilate another day'!

'The spy who loved me' would become 'The gynae who delivered me'!

'Tomorrow never dies' would become 'Tomorrow never dilate'!

'Octopussy' would become, comment.

And I suppose 'Goldfinger' would still remain the same. :-)

Ok, no more coffee for 3 days......

Thursday, February 02, 2006

My Own Hall of Fame

A man who has friends must himself be friendly Proverbs 18:24

A friend loves at all times Proverbs 17:17

I once read some where that if you have two friends, you are rich, and if you have three, you are filthy rich! I have been thinking of my friends lately. I think by the criteria above, I can consider myself a billionaire. By friends, I do not mean the “hi” and “bye” variety. I meant those that have come alongside me during some period of my life and have enhanced my life by their friendship. I have lost touch with many of them and kept in touch with some of them. I would like to write about them. They are all in my own hall of fame.

Eng Kheat
I met this guy during my first year in varsity as a Science undergraduate. We are still in touch, albeit only occasionally. I credit him for introducing me to flossing, Seba Med facial wash and fine dining! He has a fine sense of humor, and is one of the most generous guys I have ever met. We were housemates for a while back then. I feel truly blessed to have a friend like him.

Amidy Evans Malagob
A Kadazan guy from Sabah. We met through the Christian Fellowship in the university and became great friends, more like brothers even though we were from different ethnic groups. He was of small built, quiet and unassuming. Blessed with a witty sense of humor and great faith in God, he has been a great friend and someone who encouraged me in my own walk in the faith. The last time I saw him was when I saw him off at the airport after he graduated. Subsequently we lost touch. I wonder where he is now. Where ever you are now, Brother Amidy, thank you for blessing my life.

David Teh
Got to know this guy while he was a medical student in UKM (University Kebangsaan Malaysia). He was in his second year while I was in my third year. I got to know him because he was after my girl at the time, not knowing that she was my girl! Heh heh! When I moved over to the medical hostel in Kuala Lumpur for the final year of my Bachelor of Science in Clinical Biochemistry, we became great buddies. He was in my bible study group. Blessed with a great physique and great stamina, he was a good squash player. He was everything I wasn’t in the sports department.

My room at the hostel used to be his place to unwind at the end of the day. We would talk about this and that. We would go for supper at the local mamak stall in the wee hours of the night. He would borrow my car on and off, especially when he wanted to see the girl who eventually became his life partner. We had great times together and I have many fond memories of him.

Last I know he is a surgeon some where in Kuala Lumpur. We sort of drifted apart when I went overseas to study medicine. Regretfully, I have not made the effort to keep in touch since coming back. Where ever you are, David thanks for being a blessing to me.

David Ong
Another David in my life! Here is one whose head is oozing with grey matter. We hit it off right from the start in med school. He was small in stature but big in personality. He excelled in everything he did. He is now a surgeon in one of the district hospital. I remember us getting together every Saturday evening in one of the local hotel for dinner (usually some western cuisine) followed by coffee and great conversation. He was one I could relate to intellectually as we talked of just about anything under the sun. We are still firm friends though we seldom keep in touch, work and other commitments being the main reasons.

Abdullah Saad Siddique
One of my best buddies in India. We were in the same class in med school. He was raised in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Blessed with charming good looks which set many a female hearts aflutter (and unfortunately a few males too….heh heh), he was my occasional gym partner and a great friend. Whenever he goes back to Saudi for the hols, he would return with a gift for me, usually in the form of concentrated masculine parfum of various well known brands. Saudis are well known to use perfume excessively.

We kinda drifted apart in the final year of med school as we were posted to different postings. Last I heard from him was a Christmas card sent to me without a return address one year after I returned to Malaysia. My letters to his address in Riyadh were not replied. I don’t even know where he is now. His father was an employee in Grohe (the maker of fine bathroom utilities).

Saad, wherever you are now, I just want to say thanks for being a great friend. I miss your friendship and hope, perhaps; maybe you will read this blog and keep in touch. It would be great to hear from you again.

Laji Samuel
When I first saw this bloke, drinking water from the water cooler on the second floor of the hostel where I stayed, I was thinking “Wow, what a guy with an awesome physique!” He was a gym “bunny” at the time. You see, in med school in India, there weren’t a lot of things you can do there back in those days after classes, so most of us would hit the gym. Laji was my senior in med school and hails from Bangalore (a divine city for shopping!!!).

Later I got to know him as a fellow believer in the Christian faith and I was a member of his Bible Study Group. He has one heck of a sense of humor and a very infectious laugh. He was like a brother to me, always looking out for me. I think the most wonderful thing was the fact that his family treated me as one of their own. Uncle Samuel and Aunty Remany (his parents) accepted me as if I was one of their own. It’s a joy to stay in their home whenever I had the opportunity to visit Bangalore. Laji came all the way from India to attend my wedding!

He is now married and is working as an anesthesiologist in a missionary hospital some where in India. We still keep in touch by email. I am indeed blessed by him and his family.

Jim Matthew
The man who inspired me to become a physician. By the time I went to med school he was already a postgraduate student in Medicine. His faith in God and his dedication to his work really inspired me. He became a close personal friend to me. I am thankful for the many times when he would take the trouble in the evenings to bring me around the wards and show me the patients there as well as coach me in the art of medicine. He opened his home to my girlfriend (who is now my wife) when she came to visit me in India. He is now a physician working in USA. Jim, I am still wearing the watch you gave me as a farewell gift! :-)

Wymen Seet
My own little brother. He was my junior in med school. He has blessed me in so many ways, from lending me his motorcycle in med school, to praying and encouraging me on when I am down, even as recent as my exam last November. He is currently pursuing a postgraduate qualification in anaesthesiology. You can read about him on his own blog at Wymen, thanks for being there always for me. You are a great blessing to me.

Srinivas Chakravathy
Or Chinu, as he would like to be called. He was my gym partner in med school. He was a postgraduate student in Biochemistry when we were first met. I was a final year student in med school then. He was from Andhra Pradesh, India. Most of my gym sessions were spent with him. Other than that we both share a passion for photography and traveling. Maya, his girlfriend then, now his wife, was an accomplished traditional Indian dancer. They are now residing in USA. Chinu, thanks for everything man. It’s been great knowing you.

Chee Mun
Another little brother of mine. He came to the faith in India and has never looked back. He now works as a general practitioner in one of the towns in Selangor. We still keep in touch via the phone though we have not met for years. He and his wife are expecting their second child. May God bless you richly even as you have blessed me and my family so richly.

Tony Yong
I first met him when he was just graduating from med school. Here is one guy who knows more about me than anyone else. He is now the “big boss” in Sabah, having been entrusted with the heavy burden of setting up a hospital in Kuala Penyu. Anyway, brother, good luck and I hope you can get out of that cowboy town real soon and return to the glitter of a big city.

Ben Kho
Ben and I have been friends for more than 2 years. He is a lot younger than me but we clicked well. I wrote about his graduation some time ago. Here is another guy who has always been there when I needed a friend. He, like Tony, knows more about me than most other people do. He has great ambitions. Thanks Ben for your friendship. I really appreciate it.

So, there are twelve in my hall of fame. Don't get me wrong, I don't have any Messiah Complex! They are simply people who came alongside and touched my life significantly, and perhaps, even changing the course of my life. For all you have done fellas, thank you very much. All of you have in your own ways made my life better, added colour to it and have blessed me with your friendship. By all accounts, I think I have been blessed by great friends, more than friends in fact, more like brothers actually.

There is ONE MORE, perhaps I shall write about HER one day….







It's almost a tradition that Darlene pose for a shot during the Chinese New Year. It's been like that ever since she was a toddler. And how she has grown, more and more beautiful each year. Wouldn't you agree?