In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Yup! Another cardio clinic today and that means I can get more patients for my thesis. I should be able to cross the 200 mark today. Oh God, let me have at least 20-25 patients! I think I will probably slow down once I touch 300 patients.

The cardio clinic is long, running from 8.30 am till anytime between 4-5 pm! It's a surprise that so far none of the cardiac patients have keeled over and expire while waiting 4-5 hours in the subzero temperature of the clinic. I am all fortified to tackle the clinic...with a big plate of fried mee hoon+mee (tasted the same anyhow) and a good cup of coffee (actually half a cup as I spilled half of it).

What I am not fortified to do is the Rheumato clinic which starts at 2 pm. I usually join this clinic as soon as I finish with the cardio clinic. The Rheumato clinic runs till about 8-9 pm! Ugh! It's a terrible clinic to run as most of the patients suffer pain, pain, just about every joint! It's terribly depressing when one patient after another walk/limp/crawl/wheeled into your clinic and all they complain of is pain!! One of my friend coined the term LJT Syndrome which means Lung Jung Tia Syndrome (those who know Hokkien will know...basically it means pain everywhere syndrome!)

Oh God, give me strength for the day and compassion for the patients, and a bit of in between time to run off and get a snack or a drink or visit the loo. Amen


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