In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Friday, February 17, 2006


In my opinion, this movie (which I saw a couple of years ago) is far better than Brokeback Mountain and deserves an Oscar. :-)


  • At 2/17/2006 04:37:00 PM, Blogger edina monsoon said…

    Have you watched "love actually"?? Now there's a movie worth raving about. Honest!! Have a nice weekend. I'm off to PD for a COPD course.

  • At 2/17/2006 05:38:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sorry it's me again. what is this movie "second skin" all about? i am totally clueless.

  • At 2/18/2006 09:59:00 AM, Blogger Jimbo said…

    Edine: No, haven't watched it. do u have it? Can I borrow it? How come I don't get to go for courses? Oh, I know why, coz I am not a CHEST PHYSICIAN!!!

    Anonymous: Second skin is much like Brokeback except it's a Latino movie (so you gotta read the subtitles). The story is that of a guy who work in a hangar who fell in love with a surgeon. The first guy is married. The difference from Brokeback is that u can see that they really care for one another (not just sex). As with all gay themed movies, it ended tragically. The wife got to know the surgeon and the show ended with them actually sitting down and remembering all the wonderful memories that each of them shared with the dead guy while he was alive. It's a powerful movie. Much as I believe that gay relations are wrong in the eyes of God, I also appreciate that the characters in the movie truly cared for each other as they best kow how without God.

  • At 2/18/2006 11:28:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    thanks. appreciate it. i don't know whether you believe it but there is such a thing as the spirit of homosexuality.


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