In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My Valentine’s Day Gift List

Now, if money grows on trees, these are what I would get my partner:

A day in a spa, complete with a massage, sauna, facial treatment, a pedicure and a manicure.

A slender chain made of white gold or platinum with a pendant fixed with a diamond (which does not need a microscope to see)

Matching pairs of earrings and a diamond ring

Shoes! A lovely pair of high heel shoes, bright red in color

Another similar pair in black

Any other pair her heart desires!!!

Lingerie!! Lovely silky ones in every shade of color

A new car! An Altos to replace her crampy and hot Kancil.

A new watch

A new ‘L’ shaped sofa

A dishwasher (u won’t understand but she would)

Nail polish in a riot of colors!

A gazebo for the garden

Perfume! (Any suggestions here? She has Pleasure, Intense and Beautiful)

A weekend in a resort with a sun soaked beach, sans the kids.

RM1 K for her to spend on anything she wants (it’s always been a dream of hers)

A new hand phone…..the Nokia 6111 comes to mind.


A nice Churidhar (no she is not Indian)

I can’t think of anything else now. No mention of chocolates and flowers. Too impractical (we are practical folks…no point selling the house to buy a bouquet of roses). Now, where did the money tree grow again?


  • At 2/13/2006 11:20:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nope don't have beautiful! Hehehe I have so many perfumes that you must have lost count of them. What to do, I have a passion for them and only you can decide what I can or cannot use!

  • At 2/15/2006 03:29:00 PM, Blogger Jimbo said…

    Oops! I intended to write "Romance" instead of Beautiful!


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