In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I have put off writing about this matter for a long time; but today my mood is foul. I am upset. I just want to vent my anger by writing.

For the past one month, I have been assigned as a lecturer (specialist) in the Rheumatology ward. Honestly speaking, rheumato isn't really my cup of tea, but work is work and I am more than happy to do my duties. Ward work was fine and I like to believe I got along well with the resident specialist in charge. Even the medical officer assigned there was easy to work with.

There is a reason why I was transferred rather abruptly from the general medical ward, where I was in charge, to rheumatology. The other specialist who was in the ward at the time "suddenly" felt that she could not cope with her thesis work while doing rheumatology. Her reason was that she had no time to draw blood from a certain clinic once a week because of her commitments in rheumatology. It's all hogwash! Because, in rheumato, I had all the free time in the world. In fact, I managed to do the most literature research for my thesis whilst I was in rheumato than back when I was in the general medical ward! I shall not mention the real reason why she asked to be assigned elsewhere. Suffice to say there were some personality conflicts.

The only horrible thing about rheumatology was its clinic which starts at 2 pm on every Thursday and ends anytime between 6.30 pm to 9 pm, depending on how many patients were there! My thesis work (cardio related) makes it mandatory that I run the cardiac clinic which unfortunately, also falls on Thursdays. It runs from 8 am till anytime between 3pm to 5pm! Unfortunately since I am a lecturer in rheumato this month, I have to run that clinic as well.

You can understand why I dread Thursdays. Not only do I have to run the cardiac clinic, I have to go over to the rheumato clinic right after that! At the end of the day, I would be physically and mentally tired, not to mention hungry and usually have a sore throat from too many consultations with too many patients. But I soldiered on, because it's my responsibility. Because of my cardiac clinic, it was impossible for me to be on time for the rheumato clinic. I don't have a clone to run the other clinic.

And what did I hear today? That woman complained to another cardiologist that I "never went for the rheumato clinic"!!!! This hospital is a small place. Whatever goes out comes around. To say that I am shocked, upset and angry would be an understatement. I am totally pi**sed!!!!

Actually the emotion I feel most at the moment is that of hurt. I cannot imagine that she, my colleague for so many years, can say this about me. What did she hope to gain from all this? She has been my classmate in medical school, we were together as fellow medical officers, we passed the specialist exam together and now this. I am speechless! Another stab from another "friend".

I feel better now after writing all this. You want to see her picture? It's in my blog, in November 2005, one of the pics there is hers. You will see her but you won't see her face (it's a broad hint).
Which brings me to the topic of metamorphosis....which I will write about later.

I want to nurse my wound. I will choose to forgive. I just want to forget the whole issue now.


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