In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Forget about Brokeback, nowadays I am just plain broke. The chinese new year did me in. Massive Fund Hemorrhage then and so now I have to live on sunshine and fresh air. Luckily the bad weather brought along some fresh water as well. Sigh. If any of you think that being a doctor equates wealth, think again. Let see, my bank account has a grand total of RM1.24 now. Sad huh? I won't blame the bank if they want to terminate my account due to this paltry sum. Anyone want to start a charity to help poor physicians?

There is a reason for being broke... the darn financial department in my hospital hasn't paid my on call claims for the past 2 months AND they haven't paid my travel allowances as well. Curses! I practically depend on these to survive (plus a little from moonlighting some where). Where to complain ah? The STAR? SUN? MALAY MAIL? NST? KOSMO? UTUSAN, HARIAN? HARAKAH??? But it's amazing how a little money can be made to stretch when you are desperate.

I just hope, pray, wish, will it, anticipate, desire......please, please, PUHLEEEZ let the salary be out tomorrow. Sigh

Gotta go look for some one to leech on for lunch later....


  • At 2/21/2006 01:58:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    can't help u there. after paying my pledge to church my bank account would be -ve. and there's still 1 week to end month.

    im eating apples and bread with kaya & butter for lunches & dinners till salary comes.

    worse off than u. no wife to manja manja....

  • At 2/21/2006 03:04:00 PM, Blogger Jimbo said…

    Aiyo at least you are eating nice sweet stuff! Still broke, checked just now, no sign nof any payment being done. I think they are secretly trying to starve us doctors to death...


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