In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Monday Blues

Work just got done and it's almost 7 pm. I am having an acute case of Monday Blues. It's been a long tiring day. I managed to see more than half of the patients on my list this morning which was passed over to me last week. But then, the referrals started pouring in and coupled with the afternoon ID clinic (there were about 20 patients) which were supposed to be run by 5 doctors (on paper at least) was eventually managed by just me and the other specialist; made it a lot worst.

The ID clinic is unlike other clinics because each patient may take anything between half and hour to an hour to settle. Sigh! And I stillhave the other half of patients on my list who haven't been reviewed yet.

It's almost dark outside and I haven't seen another 2 patients referred to me this morning. I think I will see them tomorrow, if I can find the time.

I thought of going to the gym earlier. Sorting out my long pants last night woke me up to the fact that I have been insidiously gaining a nice little love handle. I am NOT going to throw/give away the pants that I now have to inhale deeply to fit in, instead, I shall keep them as a kind of incentive for me to lose the extra fat! Thank GOD my DOCKERS still fit!!!!

But today, gym is out. I am out of ATP. Tomorrow is out of the question too as I am on call (aargh!!), it will have to be this Wednesday (provided that tomorrow's call is good). If not, it will have to be next week... or next month, or never! :-(

Oh God, I am so sedentary....


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