In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


My DVR-CDRW drive went dysfunctional last night. The last time it happened was last August. The notebook (Twinhead Efio 123A) just did not 'recognise' the drive. The last time I managed to convince the vendor to have it changed but last night, I was dreading the fact that I had to bring the notebook again to the vendor (who were not very friendly....funny isn' it; they were all chummy and everything when they wanted to sell you the product but became totally antagonistic when you want something fixed)!

Being a relatively IT-challenged geek-wannabe (geek is suddenly fashionable....heck, I suddenly realised that I have been fashionable all my life and didn't know it!), I did everything anyone would do...I restarted the notebook, I switched it off and on again, I tried all kinds of CDs and DVDs (genuine and fake ones), I had to restrain myself from giving my notebook a hard knock and nothing worked.

And finally, I did what I usually do when I am at my wit's end. I laid hands on my notebook and I prayed! "In the name of Jesus, behealed, you silly DVD drive!" :-)

And voila!!! The drive suddenly came alive and well again. Was it some circulatory problem suddenly gone right or was it a miracle? I dunno. I am just glad and thankful that it worked! I needed the notebook to be fully functional if I am ever going to finish the thesis.

Now, if only I can get the SPSS to work properly....


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