In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

What my girl learnt in the 2nd week in school

1. That her headmistress is one angry woman (actually the word she used was "RUDE"). I asked her why and she said when her headmistress SHOUTS, everyone cowers in fear. I had to explain to her that her headmistress needs to be firm as she is authority and if she shows any "softness" people may not take her seriously. I have a feeling I am not very much an authority figure at home....

2. She has 3 friends: Samantha (who seems to be her best buddy now), Alya (her first malay friend) and Cheng something....the girl whose name she could not remember last week. She did tell me her name but I can't remember it either. Chinese names are so hard to remember!

3. That her entire school can't sing the "NegaraKu" (our national anthem) in unison. Now she is no longer interested in singing it.

4. That school can be tiring. She needs (or rather we encourage her) to sleep at least an hour every day after school.

5. She has no homework.

6. That most of books she carry everyday to school in a school bag half her body size and weighs double her weight, are not used....and she has not been given a time table. We have no way of meeting the teacher about this because it's the school policy that parents are not encouraged to meet the teacher except via a certain person in charge (we have no idea who she is). This is the beginning of the "Introduction to government red tape Module 1, Phase 1".

7. That she is still bored....very very bored. Oh dear.

8. That her mum will get a parking ticket if she waits too long outside the school compound to fetch her. There is this trigger happy policeman prowling outside, ready to pounce on anyone who leave the car even for one second.

9. That she misses her mum and dad very much.

10. That the school teachers have better looking tables to eat at than the students during recess time.

I wonder if any of the information above would be useful in life....I suspect some might be.


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