In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

RM 199,999!

A local daily is running a contest whereby you list 9 things you would love to do if you win RM 199,999 in order of priority. If your list is identical to the one they will eventually compile out of the all the entries they will receive (the chance would be like 1 in a GODZILLION or something), then u take home the cash! Didn't take me long to figure out my priorities! Here they are:

1. Settle my debts! (God knows how much debt I have...if not for all the suicides that I see everyday in my work, I might have just called the nearest Loan Shark!)

2. Save for a rainy day. (Call me a prude but money in hand is better than money in a credit card, anytime)

3. Invest in a new home. (We just went to view a double storey bungalow yesterday and we are soooooooOOOOO IN LOVE with it! But then again, I will probably have to work my a** off for the next 3 generations to pay it off, EVEN with RM 199,999 in hand...the cost of the house was ONLY RM 800K!)

4. Buy a brand new car. (Always dreamt of driving a BMW...but then again, my kids might be kidnapped or my car stolen the instant I step out of it...sigh...back to the Kancil)

5. Go on a shopping spree (and why not? So many gadgets! So much temptations! So... LITTLE cash!)

6. Go on a dream holiday. (actually I don't have a dream holiday...mainly I didn't have the cash to dream of any. Maybe it's time to start. New Zealand maybe...would love to see how the hobbits live there. Heh heh!)

7. Donate to charity. (almost felt guilty that I ranked it so low. No further comment)

8. Get an image makeover. (I seriously doubt it's going to work. The damage is too extensive to be undone. Sigh. Still, a nose job, hinny- enhancements, great pecs are on my wish list, and peace).

9. Further my education. (Acck! Nothing in this world is going to make me go back to studies again...not formally anyway. Alas, I am stuck in a profession that requires constant updating as the medical world expands at light speed...or risk becoming an old unyielding fossil. The only consolation is that there won't be anymore EXAMS!)

I really hope, pray, wish, will it, desire, want want WANT to win that sum! Oh God, let me win!!!! Heck, I might even consider studying again...heh heh!


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