In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Raindrops on roses…

I don’t know why but for the last week or so, the song “These are a few of my favourite things” from ‘The Sound of Music’ kept playing on my mind. I have been thinking about some of my own favourite things. Things that give me pleasure, that tingles my senses and makes me feel warm and happy inside. I have quite a list. Am going to list down some of them.

1. The sound of wind chimes! And I do have quite a few at home. I know it drives some people nuts and to the superstitious, it may even be considered not a good thing to keep. But to me they are music to my ears as the gentle breeze blows over them and they give out their musical notes. My latest acquisition is the one made of bamboo bought in Malacca when I went for Edmund’s wedding.

2.The sound of rain drops on a zinc roof.

3.The smell of freshly cut grass.

4.The smell of rain.

5.A hot cup of coffee or cocoa and a good book along with an easy chair on a rainy day. That is heavenly.

6.Theme song of the movie “Dying Young” by Kenny G. The movie was nothing great. Julia Roberts wasn’t even all that famous back then, but when I hear this song I am transported, in my mind, back to a place we fondly called “End Point” in Manipal where I did my undergraduate studies. It’s a sort of a cliff overlooking some secondary jungle and a river dotted by small huts. Occasionally you can even see a flock of birds flying in formation or even an eagle soaring in the sky. I used to go there often, alone, just to enjoy the scenery and sunset. The air was cool and breezy. And it gave me peace. It was easy to commune with God there. And while I was there, I would have my walkman playing that theme song. Listen to it if you have the chance. Close your eyes and imagine a soaring eagle to the accompaniment of that song and you will see what I mean.

7.A good massage. Some of the best massages I have ever had were done by blind masseurs in Brickfields. Nothing like a good massage especially after a particularly bad on call the day before.

8.Swimming in the hot sun and getting a tan! Due to a severe lack of body fat, swimming in cold water or even in mild weather is out for me! I might end up with hypothermia!

9. Watching my kid sleep. Children sleep so peacefully and in such innocence. Not a care in the world.

10. And yes, definitely brown paper packages tied up with strings. :-)

An update: Today I landed 11 patients. Only 949 patients to go. Trying to be optimistic.


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