In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Friday, May 05, 2006


Rounds actually finished a little earlier today....15 minutes earlier than the usual 12.30pm or so. But it has been a stressful round all in all. It's not because the patients were particularly ill, it's because of the relatives that really got onto our nerves. Sigh! A whole bunch of 'glutalgia majora maximuses'. Arrgh!!!

I don't even want to talk about it. But I have to say that I have great respect for all Geriatricians. You know, you will seldom find such annoying relatives in any other medical wards except the geriatric ward. My boss says it's because of guilt. The all empowering force within each of them (because they haven't been doing much for thier parents when they were much younger) which is now let loose in full force onto the medical staff taking care of their beloved. I think Geriatricians are great people, being able to take this abuse day in and day out. I would have gone insane or done something homicidal.

The patients are mostly very gentle folks. Some of them have such gentle demeanour. There is one chinese lady with a perpetual smile on her face. :-)

Not so the relatives.

5 more hours to the end of the day, 26 days more to the end of the month....and I am counting.

Btw, the title of this article was coined 5 minutes ago as I munched on some over cooked kangkung with rice and a very rigor-mortised fried mackarel. It means 'blood boiling'.


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