In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Friday, May 05, 2006


I woke up this morning, feeling like I am 80++ ( I wonder if working in the geriatric ward has this kind of effect?). I ache all over, have this pounding headache on the right side of my head, the muscles in my neck and back are taut and painful, I feel nauseous...generally my body is screaming for an MC!!!! If I am a woman, I'd probably diagnose myself with either PMS or early pregnancy. Alas, I am not. I think I am going to be sick.

Yesterday was another e-prescribing horror at the cardiac clinic. The computer hanged for 2 hours! I had one patient sitting next to me, waiting patiently (at first) for me to fiddle with the stupid computer for eternity. We made small talk...lots of it. By the end of the fiasco, I know him like my own blood brother! The fiasco was ended by the sudden appearance of the 'Charlie's Angels' (4 beautiful young malay girls from the IT department) who burst into my room, and declared that I have to go back to old school prescribing until they can sort of the problem. Sigh!

Yesterday was a good thesis now has 425 recruits. Another 75 to go. Hallelujah!

It rained as I rushed to locum (ah, probably that's why I feel sick now la, I got caught in the rain) after the cardiac clinic. Locum was the usual ho hum, except for 2 patient...

The first was a young Indian chap, very good looking (spots ear rings on both ears) and apparently, he just got married last month. As with any newly weds, they were 'doing it' regularly, probably overdoing it. He's got all kind of blisters and bruises on his, you know, wee-wee and he got worried. I took a look and the lesions didn't look alarming. My conjecture was that he has been rather 'rough' (poor wife). My advice? "Go slow brother, take your time....blah blah blah, you know, the whole birds and the bees stuff). He wanted a blood test and I asked him to go do a HSV serology just in case. Still, I told him not to doubt his spouses' fidelity.

The second memorable patient was a lady who is a lecturer in a certain institution of higher education (that got bumped off the top 100 list). She was so scantily dressed (ala Eva Longoria, mind you). Her complaint? She was alarmed that spots have appeared all over her arms. Actually I counted 7 spots. Apparently one of her colleague has got similar spots and has become 'worst'. Apparently, another doctor told her colleague (a guy) that it was due to some exotic 'worm' that is not found in Malaysia and the 'worm' has laid eggs all over his body causing the offending lesion!

I am like, "What hocus pocus?"!!! Anyway, our Eva Longoria was convinced that she was totally infested with the eggs of this exotic worm. The eggs are hatching out of her skin....arrgh!!!!

I told her that it's unlikely to be due to a worm. She looked at me as I spoke sanskrit! You can tell she was unconvinced. So, I told her that it's probably best to visit the same doctor who treated her worm infested colleague since he has diagnosed him with such an exotic diagnosis. She said to me "You are the doctor, you should tell me what these spots are!".

I looked at her and said "We doctors don't profess to know everything. If I don't know something, I tell my patient so, rather than cook up a cock and bull story like exotic worms". You could almost see Eva here smoking at the ears.

Finally I told her that the lesions are probably some kind of 'septic spots' (well, they do look like them!). She wanted antibiotics and I gave her some. She seemed happy after that, convinced that the medications will eradicate all the 'worms' in her body. Sigh! I can't believe a lecturer can be so ignorant.

Long day ahead, more rounds in the merry old ward. But TGIF!!!!


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