In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Telling Bad News

I feel sad. I had the unpleasant task of telling a relatively young woman who is strickened with lung cancer that her chemotherapy (the 4th line...meaning she has already tried almost everything available) has failed her. Her husband was beside her. I could see the defeat in her eyes as I told her the bad news. What little hope she still harboured has been taken away. She put on a brave front, as did her husband. Now they will venture into the unknown, unproven and uncharted territory of traditional/alternative therapy. Modern medicine has failed them.

It is at such time that I feel so helpless. WWJD? Once again, we are faced with our own mortality.

WWJD indeed....

It's raining dogs and cats outside. I just want to go to the gym, sit in the sauna (after burning 200KJ on the threadmill) and not think about it for a while.

WWJD indeed?....


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