In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Count down to Beijing....6 days

Didn't juggle my time too well today. Though I finished the ward rounds in record time (I call it the Tsunami rounds..don't worry, patient care and welfare were not compromised!), and I did manage to go to the cardiac conference, I was late coming back to the asthma clinic!

I managed to sit through a one half hour talk on obesity in children and adults and it's management. I also managed to sit through 35 minutes of a one hour talk on metabolic syndrome and it's cardiovascular impact (sponsored by GSK). I also managed to browse through all the pharmaceutical booths, meet up with old friends, exchanged greetings and gossips (heh heh) and picked up a few freebies (the pickings are lean this time car up for grabs for instance...heh heh).

What I failed to factor in was the horrible jam near the UM KL gate entrance! It being a Friday and many a pious people were congregating there for their friday prayers. The only bone I want to pick with them is their lack of civic consciousness in parking their cars and also thier callous attitude in jay walking all over the place causing a massive jam! Ugh!

Ok, the steam has been let out. I feel better. The asthma clinic is over. We had just over 40 patients which was more than manageable. I am going to the gym, then wash up, and head for the dinner symposium at KL Hilton (courtesy of Pfizer). And then...I am going home....where my heart is most happy! :-)

And my mind is already dreaming of Beijing! Another 6 days to go......


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