In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Of "Enchanting Breasts" and "Inconviences"

Saw this huge sign board on my way home from Malacca. It says "ENLARGE YOUR BUST. ENCHANTING YOUR LIFE!". Personally I think breasts are beautiful. I mean, it's one of those things about women that sets the hearts of red blooded men pitter-pattering away. Nothing wrong in that. God in His wisdom has designed women just that way and we, men, are eternally grateful. But, for the life of me, I just cannot comprehend how by enlarging one's breast, her life would be enchanting!!! Frankly I have never seen any man or woman being enchanted by enlarged breasts! Perhaps the sponsors meant "enhancing" rather than "enchanting". Still, I don't see how anatomical enhancement can translate into life enhancement. A lot of room for debate there.

The lifts in my hospital are currently being upgraded (a kind of enhancement i guess). It's a bane actually because it meant that now there are only 3 very very old (ie. slow) lifts servicing the same number of hospital staff and patients and visitors. But we bear with it, hoping that once the upgrading is done, life would be a lot easier. The poster above is pasted on EVERY floor on this 14 floor building. It's just English down the sewage. A terrible shame actually. Don't these people have anyone competent enough in English to proof read these posters before they are displayed? Sigh! I am all for Manglish but this is just plain BAD. So inconviencing-lah!

I saw a banner hung at a road corner near my church. Unfortunately I did not have the chance to photograph it. Perhaps the ones who put it up realised the typo error and promptly took it down rather quickly. Ever wonder why corruption is so rife? Well, that banner said: "School Holiday Art and GRAFT classes available. Enrol now!". Go figure. Sigh.


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