In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Friday, June 09, 2006


I wrote about a 15 year old boy earlier in my entry 'TYRE-D'. Sue, a reader of this blog, offered a diagnosis of Acute Rheumatic Fever. BloodDoc offered a diagnosis of 'Acute Leukemia'.

I am happy to say that the boy is doing well in the ward and might be discharged tomorrow. His joint pain has all disappeared. The rash, which turned out to be erythema marginatum has also disappeared overnight! Darn! I went so early the next morning with my camera hoping to snap a pic of it but alas, it's gone!

Acute leukemia was one of the differential diagnosis but nothing else was supportive. His ECHO showed trivial MR/TR/AR. His blood cultures are negative so far. His ASOT was markedly elevated.

So, he fulfilled the diagnostic criteria of Acute Rheumatic Fever. Congrats Sue! I will take you out for Starbucks coffee! Just look me up if you are in town. Heh heh! We started him on high dose Aspirin and oral Pen V. He should be well.

It's meeting, diagnosing and treating patients like this that makes it all so worthwhile. It sure beats sitting in a GP clinic treating cough, cold and fever. :-P (don't start ok, I am NOT antagonising GPs here).

The week is drawing to an end and I am so glad it is. It's been a very, very tiring week indeed. After rounds tomorrow, I am heading home. Home, where I am most happy.


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