In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Ward round is done for the day. It was a 'tsunami' round. Heh heh! No, patient care was not compromised. Thankfully, there was only 1 new patient admitted under my team last night. So the rest of the patients were pretty stable and even the new admission did not have a life threatening ailment.

I am going to take a slow drive to Port Dickson after this to join my family and the whole church there! The church camp has started last night. I am supposed to be the church doctor...I just hope that no one fell terribly sick last night. But then again, my wife is pretty apt at dispensing medications....heh, heh, being married to a physician helped.

In the wee hours of the morning, Cheryl, my new niece was born! Weighing at just 2.13 kg... a tad tiny, much like my boy last time. And like Ryan (my son) she has neonatal sepsis and is now in the NICU for observation. I am sure the parents are anxious. Please pray for them. Ryan stayed for 7 days in the NICU and those were some of the worst days of our lives. But, I am sure that the kid and parents are in the best of hands...especially our Father's hands.

Am looking forward to the church camp. I want to hear some solid teachings and have a fresh encounter with God there. I can feel myself running out of steam here and I think this retreat will be good.

Have a great weekend everyone! God bless y'all. :-)


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