In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Friday, April 28, 2006

May's Roster and an Invite

Just took a look at my roster for May. Three calls (it's to be expected), one on a public holiday. I will be posted to the Geriatric ward. I have mixed feelings. It will be a challenge to treat the elderly folks. I think the patients are ok generally; much of the time it's the patient's relatives who give us a hard time. Many of them are so wracked with guilt that they take it out on the poor doctors and nurses, all in the guise of being extremely concerned about the patient's well being.

Anyway, it's just a month long posting; so I guess I can weather it out. I will also have to cover the cardio clinic as expected as well as the geriatric clinic and the chest clinic!!! Looks like I won't be free from the chest clinic for some time yet. Actually it's rather enjoyable, if only there are not so many patients and the clinic is not so long. It's a lot better now. We used to end the clinic at around 9-10pm!!!! Now we smile when we get off at 6 pm.

I also received a phone call while eating at 'Rumahku', my favourite haunt for a quiet lunch. It was from Bayer. The rep asked if I could help them out next weekend at the KL Tower. Apparently they are having a booth there in conjuction with Women Health Day and they wanted me to assist them in explaining to the male patients about their product, Levitra, a potent drug for Erectile Dysfunction.

I had to decline. Not that I was not interested (the money is not the issue here), it's because my weekends are sacred! It's my only time with my family, at least for now anyway, and there is church on Sunday. I am not willing to sacrifice these for a less important (to me) cause. :-P

Chest clinic starts in 10 minutes! Gtg...


  • At 4/29/2006 12:22:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "Weekends are sacred!" I strongly agree. I remember going for an interview some yrs ago. When they asked if I could work on Sundays(I'm a piano teacher-weekends are usually pack) I told them I'm not teaching on Sundays as I need to go to church. They hired me in the end. I always believe, if you honour God, He will honour you.

  • At 5/02/2006 08:12:00 AM, Blogger Jimbo said…

    Yes, I totally agree with you Wei2! :-)


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