In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Crossed 400 today

The cardiac clinic was chaotic today. 195 patients excluding those who walk in; 4 cardiologists either on leave or MC and you get an idea how horrible it was. I didn't feel too good, it takes me at least 3-4 days to recover from an on call duty. Another sign of growing old (other than dreaming about prunes, according to one radio advertisement from a local bank).

The clinic wasn't quite over yet when I left some 15 minutes ago but they have already run out of male patients. I have steadfastly declined to see any female patients mainly because they are not the subjects of my thesis study and secondly, seeing them would delay the progress of my thesis.

Some nurses were quite pushy, trying to get me to see this or that woman as an exception. Initially I used to comply but after a while I had to put my foot down. It just took up too much time and I end up not getting many patients for my thesis. I don't think I am being selfish, after all, I am still seeing patients. Let the female patients see other doctors.

And today I broke through another's been a while since I crossed the 300 patients mark. Today I crossed another significant mark...the 400th patient! It's significant because this will be the last mark I cross before reaching my target of 500 patients. From now onwards, the count down will be in double digits instead of triple digits.

I feel a certain amount of satisfaction. The grand total now is 402. Another 98 patients to go. I think there is a good chance I can get this number by the end of next month. I can't wait to start analysing the data and write up the thesis. It's going to be challenging.

I have locum later. I am looking forward to the day when I won't have to do locum anymore. It's tiring and a bore. :-P


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