In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Interrupted sleep

Post call today. I feel like I haven't slept at all. Interrupted sleep is like this. I dread to think of the clinic this afternoon. I can feel a small headache coming on the right side of my head...the start of a migraine. I wonder how am I going to make up for the 3 years or so sleep deficit that I have accumulated over the years!

I read in the papers yesterday that our Health Minister revealed the 'shocking' news that many doctors cannot handle emergency situations. I really wonder what's so shocking about the matter. It's to be expected isn't it?

A specialist is defined as some one who knows more and more about less and less. So, over the years of training to be a specialist, I would not expect, say, an opthalmologist or an ENT surgeon to know how to resuscitate a collapsed patient.

It's a different story with physicians or surgeons or ER doctors. I don't expect these category of doctors to 'forget' how to resuscitate a patient.

Still, I laud the minister's good intentions when he suggested that these 'forgetful' doctors attend refresher courses on emergency medicine. Actually I'd rather they attend coourses on how to manage simple medical conditions like hypertension or diabetes, instead of paging the physicians every now and then to manage these very basic medical ailments. :-P


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