Chinglish (this article is rated 18SG)
This article contains language that some may find offensive (while others may be undisturbed by it). The language used certainly does not reflect the author's choice of words.
One of the amusing part of touring Beijing was the constant onslaught of bad English. Sometimes I have no idea what the tour guide or any other guide in places that we visited were talking about. We just nodded and smiled, so as not to embarrass the speaker. Here are some examples:
"Each of you will receive a carrrr when you go down from bus"
I was thinking these chinese folks were so generous. However, what she meant was that each of us would be given a card when we alight from the bus. In fact we were given a card in almost every establishment we visited. The cards were usually either the place's calling card or more often than not, a guarantee card assuring us of the high quality of their products.
"This tea is good for swimming"
This tea is good for slimming. But then again I could have misunderstood the tea lady (of whom I shall write about next time - she was a hostage taker!). Afterall, swimming can make one slim!
"On your right side is a grape-field"
I think she meant 'vineyard'.
"This tea can last a sultan years"
Another gem from the hostage-taking tea lady. I was really amused when I heard this. I can't imagine an arabian sultan sipping tea in Beijing. Actually what she meant was a 'thousand' years.
"On your left is the National Chinese Arse Theatre Building"
I think this one takes the cake. Had me almost rolling on the bus floor in hysterical stitches! I can't imagine these chinese to be so liberal as to have to theatre to show off national chinese butts! Anyway, what she really meant, of course, was the National Chinese Arts Theatre Building.
There were lots more of course. Some too coarse to be published. I have forgotten most of them but they were entertaining for sure. Still, all said and done, I really do admire their english speaking effort. Wait till they hear me speak Mandarin! I'd probably be banned from China!
This article contains language that some may find offensive (while others may be undisturbed by it). The language used certainly does not reflect the author's choice of words.
One of the amusing part of touring Beijing was the constant onslaught of bad English. Sometimes I have no idea what the tour guide or any other guide in places that we visited were talking about. We just nodded and smiled, so as not to embarrass the speaker. Here are some examples:
"Each of you will receive a carrrr when you go down from bus"
I was thinking these chinese folks were so generous. However, what she meant was that each of us would be given a card when we alight from the bus. In fact we were given a card in almost every establishment we visited. The cards were usually either the place's calling card or more often than not, a guarantee card assuring us of the high quality of their products.
"This tea is good for swimming"
This tea is good for slimming. But then again I could have misunderstood the tea lady (of whom I shall write about next time - she was a hostage taker!). Afterall, swimming can make one slim!
"On your right side is a grape-field"
I think she meant 'vineyard'.
"This tea can last a sultan years"
Another gem from the hostage-taking tea lady. I was really amused when I heard this. I can't imagine an arabian sultan sipping tea in Beijing. Actually what she meant was a 'thousand' years.
"On your left is the National Chinese Arse Theatre Building"
I think this one takes the cake. Had me almost rolling on the bus floor in hysterical stitches! I can't imagine these chinese to be so liberal as to have to theatre to show off national chinese butts! Anyway, what she really meant, of course, was the National Chinese Arts Theatre Building.
There were lots more of course. Some too coarse to be published. I have forgotten most of them but they were entertaining for sure. Still, all said and done, I really do admire their english speaking effort. Wait till they hear me speak Mandarin! I'd probably be banned from China!
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