Crystals were definitely cheaper than jade or even pearls and in my opinion, a lot more interesting too. We visited a crystal factory en route to the Great Wall. I have uploaded some of the pics here.

It is said that whoever rubs this huge crystal ball will have good .....well, vibes? I don't know. But it felt real cold touching it. I didn't feel any good vibes at all. In fact I got real sick after the Beijing trip! I guess crystals don't agree with me. :-P
Crystals were definitely cheaper than jade or even pearls and in my opinion, a lot more interesting too. We visited a crystal factory en route to the Great Wall. I have uploaded some of the pics here.

It is said that whoever rubs this huge crystal ball will have good .....well, vibes? I don't know. But it felt real cold touching it. I didn't feel any good vibes at all. In fact I got real sick after the Beijing trip! I guess crystals don't agree with me. :-P
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