In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

3rd day post call and i find myself slowly but surely recovering from the haze that has surrounded my mind. The body is less achy now, the mind a lot clearer. There was NO CSI yesterday! Arrgh! Instead they put on a new show called "Malaysian Most Beautiful" and i wasnt in the least bit interested. Its so much more exciting to see a dead beauty and the CSI team trying to figure out within 40 minutes who did her in, completely with timeline of the crime and even flashbacks. Never mind that one has to leave the brain behind to watch a show like CSI (you must admit that some of the conclusions really need a lot of imagination stretching!). Thats the pleasure of sheer mind numbing entertainment. Alas they deprived me of that and showed a lot of asthenic women in layers of Revlon. Sigh! For me, a woman is beautiful if she looks good WITHOUT all the makeover. Kajol comes to mind. Manisha Koirola comes to mind. Ok, ok, they are all indians. But they are beautiful women! My heart skips a few beats at the thought of them. Angelina Jolie is beautiful (skip skip skip...).
Oh, for those of u who are not so familiar with latin....Glutalgia Majora means "Major Pain in the Behind". A nifty word I coined myself. Word like "un-sangka-rable"...a beautiful fusion of east and west, to mean "unbelieveable".
Ok, back to my studies. 10 more days to the exam.......


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