In My Father's Footsteps

Learning that there is much more to medicine than diagnosis and treatment.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Am post-post call today. Rules dictate that one has the right to be grumpy for 3 days after an on call duty. I am just SO tired. Just finished work. I bet half the population of Malaysia has had their dinner and I am still in the hospital, waiting for this darn rain to stop so that i can drive home in my rickety kancil and hope it is not swept away by some flash floods (almost did yesterday...i could already see the headline....dead physician found in a kancil 5 months later in a ditch some where in serdang....local authorities deny any responsibilities!). I have had a trying day in the ward. So many patients and not enough doctors to do the work. So many nice and gentle patients and many many many more relatives who are generally a pain. "Glutalgia Majora" i call them. Sigh! Too tired to write. Will pray for the rain to stop and then head on home and shower..........and wait for CSI!!! heh heh! That is one thing worth watching on TV!


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